We pin your property down!


Boundary surveys are your traditional survey when you need to know your property lines. We will research the recorded deeds & records for your property and surrounding properties. Utilizing this research we will mark your boundary as well as produce a drawing of our final conclusions. We can also assist if you have an encroachment or other boundary location issue with a neighboring landowner. We perform Limited Residential work in Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt Counties.

We prepare site plans for residential construction, additions, garages or accessory structures as required to obtain a building permit. For commercial clients, we can prepare site plans for commercial and industrial structures in accordance with local requirements including the LDC for Louisville Metro in Jefferson County, Kentucky.

We can prepare topographical surveys for your building or construction projects and provide information to you digitally as required for your business’ needs.

We have extensive experience with American Land Title Association surveys and their requirements. Please do not hesitate to call for details.

Flood Elevation Certificates (FEMA, MSD forms)
FEMA flood plain certificates, generally used for flood insurance or to acquire building permits. Elevation Certificates prepared for Homeowners insurance as required flood insurance reform act.

We prepare minor plats as required by Local Planning Boards & Commissions to divide property, create new tracts or move property lines between parcels.
We have extensive experience with various types of Cx layout. Commercial, Industrial, Residential. Foundation layout, site staking, or any type of site layout work.

Cardinal Planning & Design, Inc. d/b/a Cardinal Surveying is fully insured with professional, general and workers compensation insurance. Cardinal Planning & Design is a woman owned business certified by the WBENC. Cardinal Surveying has two Professional Licensed Surveyors on staff.

Meet The Team
Richard Matheny PLS
Richard holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Surveying and Mapping from the University of Florida. He has performed or supervised land surveying activities for over 35 years in the greater Louisville Metro area. The Company regularly performs house and patio homes stake-outs, boundary surveys, construction layout services, site plans, topographical surveys, A.L.TA surveys, condominium plats, and minor plats.
Richard served as Chairman of the Falls of the Ohio Chapter of the Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors (KAPS) in 1998 and served as the Jefferson County Surveyor for 3 terms.
Richard is licensed as a professional land surveyor in Kentucky and in Indiana.

David Fries PLS
David graduated from Murray State University with a Bachelors of Science in Construction Engineering Management and Civil Engineering Technology. He has 15 plus years experience as a project manager in the field of construction and 7 years experience as a surveyor. He is currently Vice Chair of the Falls of the Ohio Chapter of KAPS.

Kathryn R. Matheny, J.D.
Kathy has extensive experience in land use planning matters including Zoning Changes and variances through the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA Board). Kathy’s past experience in serving on the Louisville/Jefferson County Planning Commission for four years, sitting on the committee which drafted the present Land Development Code, attending M.S.D and other board meetings and working on a variety of housing and development related issue while serving in the Jefferson County Judge/Executive office (1999-2002), gives her extensive background in the issues which arise in land development in Louisville Metro. Prior to her county service, she worked for nine years as an attorney for Kentucky’s Environmental Protection Cabinet primary in the field of solid and hazardous waste, air and water pollution laws. Kathy is an attorney licensed in Kentucky and Florida.


The best way to reach us for any inquiries or questions is to please submit a request a quote submission below:
Main Office
Request a Quote or Inquiry
To apply for a job with Cardinal Surveying, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: dave@cardsurveying.com
Get a quote: 502-966-3446